BreakLine Education‘s work demonstrates that we are stronger together.
Our team is guided by a commitment to allyship, the intentional practice of working in solidarity with others to build diverse and inclusive organizations.
We see profiles in allyship daily, and are delighted to share an example in Declan J. Lynch and Jacqueline Wallace at Anduril Industries, who partnered with Zayn Knaub and Sophia Beaudoin at BreakLine to hire Meyonka Gray.
Jackie, a Technical Recruiting Lead at Anduril, recognized Meyonka as an all-star and generated multiple possible entry points for her to join the company.
Jackie noted, “We knew we wanted Meyonka at Anduril; the only question was where she could make the biggest impact!”
Declan and Jackie collaborated with Meyonka to find the role, professional progression, and internal opportunities that were ideally suited to her interests and expertise.
In reflecting on that experience and her new position at Anduril, Meyonka said, “I’m elated to belong to the BreakLine community, and I’m so excited about my new journey with Anduril.”